Welcome! Below is my personal views to improve safety at sea. All information about a bow visor falling off a passenger ferry 28 September 1994 in the Baltic Sea is false! Bow visors do not fall off unnoticed due to wave impacts and ships do not sink with water in the superstructure! It is easy to test full scale! Just increase speed into the waves in severe weather and notice what happens when the bow visor impacts a wave. There is a big noise, a big splash and plenty vibrations due to elastic deformations of ship's bow structure. But no damages. But you have to slow down because the noise wakes up all aboard. I have informed the relevant parties but they refuse to acknowledge this simple fact since 1994! This web page of mine explains all about the lies of the M/V Estonia accident investigations 1994-2021 and is based on personal research, experience and common sense. I pay anyone €1 milllion proving me wrong! Read also this! According Finnish media -
- a German ship visited the location of the M/S
Estonia wreck end September 2019. It was
suggested that the wreck was surveyed. It rests at
80 meters depth and is thus easy to dive to and to
film. Maybe the inspection will produce new
information about the cause of the sinking. The
authorities say they
will not investigate any such information, even if,
by law, they have to! Aha - some Norwegians
were filming the wreck! Anyway, it is very simple to
inspect the wreck again. It is not a grave of any
sort ... except the TRUTH, that plenty
criminals don't want to hear about. Bow
visors high above water do not fall off ferries
without being noticed. The waves hitting against
the bow visor in severe weather is normally just
pushed aside by the flare of the visor. If the
waves are big and the angle small and there are
impacts; they produce high noise, sudden
pressures and elastic deformations that vibrate the
structure that are heard and felt - and you slow
down. Therefore it is impossible that the bow
visor just fell off the M/V Estonia September
1994 without being noticed. However,
criminal politicians and corrupt government civil
servants invented the opposite Fake News - that the
bow visor just fell off the ship and,
assisted by media, they created the illusion that
it was and is the Truth ... while it is a silly
Lie. It works because in many countries you cannot
query the stupidities of the governments. You are
threatened into Silence. All
persons, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian and others,
male and female, associated with this bow
visor hoax since 1994 are in my opinion
criminals guilty of complicity in
fraud. Fraud is deliberate deception to
secure unfair or unlawful gain and
complicity is the participation in a
completed criminal act of an accomplice, a
partner in the crime, who aids or encourages
other perpetrators of that crime, and who
shares with them an intent to act to complete the
crime. To
confuse people with fake information about bow
visors is a crime. It also reduces
safety at sea. When more water entered the
hull, stability was
temporarily improved, the ship
up-righted and >300 persons could escape to open
decks. The ship carried
military cargo protected by Swedish
police and military aboard. The ship was not
seaworthy at departure due to lack of correct
lifesaving equipment and watertight hull
subdivision. A false cause of incident was
immediately invented by the Swedish prime minister
Carl Bildt; a weak bow visor (!) that
dropped off. The cover-up of the incident is a
success 2019. Authorities and media do not
like any information suggesting the opposite. You
have to be politically correct. I am
not. 852 persons drowned
and died. We are told! Immediately, without any
evidence, the Estonian, Finnish and Swedish
authorities concerned announced that the defective
bow visor had caused the accident.
Waves had knocked off the visor at
sea and had pulled open a ramp, so that
sea water had flooded the superstructure
2.5 meters above waterline, while the crew
had heard and done nothing. Thousand of tons of
water was quickly loaded on the car deck 2.5 m
above waterline. As a result the ship
capsized ... and sank. But it didn't capsize ...
and float upside down! It lost stability ... and
sank! But the Estonian, Finnish
and Swedish authorities told the world that the
accident was caused by the bow visor!
Big waves had ripped apart the visor locks and the
visor had fallen off the ship and ripped open the
ramp. Nobody heard anything.
I have tested with my own
ferries what happens, if you impact a big
wave in severe weather. Every impact against
the fore ship superstructure is extremely
loud (>130 dB BANG!) and the whole ship
vibrates afterwards and everybody aboard is awaken
and wonders what is going on. You have to
slow down and change course! The impact is
due to compressed air trapped between ship's and
wave's surfaces. The impact force itself is
nominal and of very short duration and little
energy content. The responsible Swedish,
Estonian and Finnish parties just made up a false
story. Like the
RMS Titanic 1912 sinking explained
No iceberg. It seems that the bow
visor had nothing to do with the accident, as
it was simply removed
from the wreck under water at the bottom of
the sea a few days after the
sinking by Swedish naval forces using
supported by the Finns - so you could blame the
accident on the bow visor. The visor was
later salvaged by the same people and finally put
in a hangar at the Swedish Muskö naval base
(right). It explains all official
lies and false information about the sinking
presented 1994-2018. To support the official
lies many rescued Estonian crew members were
and reported as dead by the Finnish authorities in
charge. Other Estonian crew members were forced
lie about what
happened. Later it was established that the Swedish
government used the vessel to carry ex USSR arms
from Estonia to Sweden to be forwarded
elsewhere. All accident information
was falsified 1994-1997 to support the
official, fake story about the visor. The criminal
manipulations of the incident investigation were
directed by Mr. Börje Stenström, a
navy engineer and naval architet and an acquintance
of mine. He falsified structural analysis and
loading reports to suit, etc. One reason, apart from preventing any info that the ship was sunk by sabotage to be known, was to hide the simple basic fact that the ferry M/V "Estonia" was unseaworthy, with incorrect hull subdivision against sinking, with too many open, watertight doors, with incorrect life saving equipment based on the fact that 50% of all aboard was assumed to jump into the water (!), consequently no evacuation drills were never done, false certificates were issued, etc., etc. Börje Stenström died suddenly February 1997 without completing his falsifications. I assume he was murdered! His boss Olof Forssberg retired soon after ... to be become a judge (!) in some upper Swedish court at Stockholm. In my opinion Forssberg should have been put in jail for covering up the the real cause of the accident. And kidnapping innocent seamen. The job to finish the cover-up was given to Ms. Ann-Louise Eksborg, chief legal council of the Swedish Armed forces. Many other persons involved in the cover-up including former Swedish vice prime minister Odd Engström also suddenly died later but Eksborg is still alive. Had the ferry really capsized due to water loaded in the superstructure, it would have been floating upside down ... and had not sunk. The M/V Estonia sank due to leakage below waterline. Apparently caused by sabotage! Below book (1998), given to
every Swedish MP in March that year, finally
responsible for safety at sea in Sweden, was
quitely ignored by 99% them, like later books by
the author - Katastrofutredning
(2000), Disaster
(2001) and Estoniabluffen
(2003). The technical
investigations continued 2006 - one Estonian
government commission and one Estonian parlamentary
commission were reviewing old false information and
new proven facts provided by, i.a. the writer and
reportet end 2006 and early 2009;
two international research
consortia were
investigation how the M/S Estonia actually sank
based on all now available information, i.a. this
writer's - here,
- May 2008; the Swedish Criminal Analysis
Laboratory at Linköping, Sweden, investigated
whether original underwater films have been
tampered with and reported
and finally a number of independent researchers
continue their serious work and report regularly,
e.g. on the Internet. M/S Sewol salvage March 2017 The Korean ferry M/S Sewol was salvaged March 2017 at 45 m depth using two barges. She was 10 m shorter and 2 m less wide than M/S Estonia. Tunnels were dug below the wreck and steel wires were introduced there and then connected to the barges. Same method can easily salvage the M/S Estonia.
(to hide the true cause of accident!) - June 5 2008 Lies and Truths about the M/V ESTONIA Accident
January 1998 (put on the internet May 2000, updated 2000-2004) Contact anders.bjorkman@wanadoo.fr Download whole book as pdf. here!
"Das wenige
verschwindet leicht dem Blicke, J.W.v Goethe
Price :- SEK 100:- GBP
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