grand manipulation 1945-2025 Part
Summary 1. Here on the Internet we learn a lot about past and present history lies. Many Americans believe, 2022, that USA is a nuclear superpower that cannot be defeated by anyone. All US enemies will be wiped out by US nukes!!! In reality USA has no nuclear weapons of mass destruction at all. Any bullshit to the contrary is US lies, propaganda and manipulations since 1945. What to believe, me or US bullshit? Read on! I am a fan of peaceful nuclear power generation. This is a long article about the 1945/2025 US/Russian Atomic/A-Bomb manipulations. It is my opinion about fake US/Soviet/UK/France/North Korea/etc, A-Bombs and fake nuclear weapons, based on evidence, personal research, findings, moving around the world, meeting people involved in the fakery and common sense, info of which I have told my own children. One was born in Japan! The others in UK and Monaco. And I always tell the truth to my own children. I hope you like it, learn something and share it. Some crazy people and all media do not like me. I had the chance to travel around on my own since the 1960's to check on the spot what had gone on, and I found that I had been told plenty lies. The story begins, when my grandfather (b.1889) went to Lund University, Sweden, around 1909-1914 to study mathematics and statistics. There he met Manne Siegbahn (b. 1886) doing physics research and building scientific instruments to study atoms and molecules. At Copenhagen in nearby Denmark Niels Bohr (b. 1885) had his ideas about atomic structures and what became the quantum theory. Manne and Niels needed assistance with the mathematics and statistics of their nuclear ideas, so they met my grandfather at Lund and became friends. World War 1 started 1914 and Manne and my grandfather moved to Stockholm and Niels went back to Copenhagen but they remained friends and in contact. Manne and Niels later won the Nobel Prize physics for their nuclear findings. Niels thought that an atom central core that accounted for most of its mass was the nucleus that in turn was made up of subatomic particles called protons and neutrons, or nucleons, which were bound together by nuclear forces and that very small electrons revolved around the central core nucleus in different orbits. Bohr could never explain it. One idea was that the electrons could jump from one orbit to another, which became the quantum theory. Bohr never understood that electrons don't exist (!) and that the nucleus was held to together by an invisible electro-magnetic field without any electrons and that you cannot jump from one orbit to another. Then World War 2 started 1939 and Denmark was occupied 1940 by Nazi Germany. As Niels was Jewish he moved to Sweden 1941 and my grandfather's house for some time. Niels took over my mother's bedroom. My mother had moved to Lund to study Russian. One day 1942 Niels disappeared (!) and it was later said he had gone to Los Alamos, NM, USA to secretly build the American atomic bomb together with many other Nobel Prize winners and to learn skiing! Niels left a trunk in the room and nobody dared to open it. It could contain atomic secrets!!! World War 2 ended 1945 and Niels came back to collect his trunk that only contained dirty underwear! Niels was then not popular having developed the atomic bomb having killed so many civilians in Japan, but Niels said as usual he couldn't explain the secrets how it worked and returned to Copenhagen. At the same time Manne was asked by the Swedish government to build a Swedish atomic bomb! Manne agreed (!) subject to all details about it becoming public, non-secret knowledge!! Manne didn't get the job. All had to be secret!! Then I was born 1946. 1964 Manne asked me about my plans for the future and I suggested theoretical and particle physics. Manne didn't support the idea, so luckily I studied something else, which I explain below. Today I live outside Monte Carlo with a view of the sea, where the distant Sun rises every morning. I know it is an illusion - it is me on the rotating Earth orbiting the Sun that observes it. After eight minutes the first photons (!!) of the Sun arrive at the speed of light in my eyes ... but nobody can explain what a photon is and how it is created and why it dies in my eyes after its long trajectory through space from the Sun. Of course there is plenty ideas about photons but no evidence of anything. Latest news November 2022 by the Federation of American Scientists, FAS, in its annual report is that there are plenty of nuclear bombs/warheads around: The work at FAS strives to be rigorous, objective, non-partisan, and evidence-based. It is invented by Mr. Hans Kristensen, at Try to email him and ask for any real evidence of his estimates and suggestions. I have tried. No replies A United Nations treaty to ban nuclear weapons was scheduled to go into effect Jan. 22 2021 following confirmation Saturday 31 Oct. 2020 that Honduras had become the 50th state party to ratify the pact. One question remains. Why would United Nations ban something that doesn't exist nor work? Nuclear weapons are just FAKE NEWS since August 1945! Read on! Have you forgotten or do you know what an A-Bomb is? It looks like this when exploding! The lucky photographer was 1971 flying around above Mururoa in the South Pacific, when there was a FLASH. A French A-Bomb exploded. It was 100% fake. Nothing exploded at Mururoa ever! The photo is false. Look carefully! In the front there are South Pacific Mururoa islands surrounded by water. In the back there is white smoky stuff at the horizon with more smoky stuff like a vertical pillar into a white sky in the middle. The sky is funny. A round, black cloud around the pillar. The French government said it was a French nuclear bomb detonation 1971. What bullshit (connerie)! More fake photos here! False photos and paid, lying 'witnesses' are the only evidence of exploding A-Bombs! At 18.00 hrs on 4 August 2020 there were two explosions at the port of Beirut, Lebanon. Many people wondered, if it were an atomic bomb that went off, even if it cannot explode! It was suggested that the explosions occurred in some inland, port storage magazines in front of and right off a grain silo seen still standing left (photo below), which made a crater in the ground and completely destroyed the quay and everything nearby on shore, while container cranes further right remained standing. Two small passenger ships in the harbor capsized killing two crew. A third little ship - in the center - may have been pushed/lifted up on the quay. It seems the explosion was chemical - ammonia nitrate exploding. Somebody had since many years stored almost 3 000 tons of ammonia nitrate there and paid for it. Everyone agrees that Lebanon is corrupt, weak and fragile, but this: The incident must of course be investigated by serious, honest people. I look forward to it. By 21 February 2021 and 3 August 2021 there were no developments. It seems the purpose of the incident was to destroy Libanon. But by whom and why? An Atomic/A-Bomb is clearly not the only big manipulation since 1945. The space travel manipulations started 1955 and are still alive. Sending tourists to planet Mars 2020 is the latest bullshit. Like the 2001 911 manipulations - Arab terrorists attacking USA. No Arabs attacked USA. It was an inside job. Or the 2020 Covid-19 manipulations. Covid-19 is a mysterious virus killing all of us, if you believe it. These manipulations have one thing in common. Details are military top secret for security reasons. Corrupt governments/politicians/agencies with their criminal 'experts, scientists, historians' of all kind then invent things to fool people for all sorts of personal reasons, e.g. money. Media trumpet the lies as news. Most people believe the nonsense. It has gone on for >100 years. It is very easy to persuade 'experts, scientists, historians' to say anything. The 'expert' will later convince his friends how right he/she is and so on. It becomes a religion. Dr. Michael
Palmer, MD, has just written a book about
it: Palmer
shows how US authorities faked the
medical records in Japan to
support the 1945 manipulations. Japanese died of
napalm fire bombings and mustard gas injuries!
Nobody died of radiation. US
forces spread nuclear waste on
Hiroshima/Nagasaki later so
radiation could be
recorded. Palmer
thinks that working nuclear weapons were only
made years later. I think nuclear weapons and
radiation are 100% pure US
propaganda! Today, 2022, I know nuclear radiation is harmless. It is just easy to detect by Geiger meters, etc, but cannot harm anything. Only uranium and plutonium metal dusts are poisonous. Like arsenic. A completely different thing. It is very easy to fool people with Fake News about fake, invisible nuclear radiation and fake virus killing us all. Various international organizations like WHO and IAEA controlled by gangsters supported by media fool us. My article below is only about false/invented Atomic/A-Bombs, lying atomic bomb witnesses and unsafe nuclear power plants, bla, bla, and is in many parts for easy reference. Enjoy them. Just click around! It is free and fun. It has taken me >20 years to compile them.
Part 1 is below. It is about the crazy people and organizations creating the lies and the manipulations.
According 1945, 1960 and 2022 US media news and history writings WW2 finished in Japan August 1945 when Japan uncondionally surrendered a couple of days after two, US A-bombs had been dropped killing 100.000's mostly civilians. Here is shown that the surrender had been negotiated months earlier by interested parties to ensure that the emperor remained, etc, and only fake A-bomb explosions were used as an excuse. It was a great show! ![]() Warning about pseudoscience Have you heard about Trofim Lyssenko? He was the inventor of pseudoscience or really bad, fake, fantasy science around 1930, that learnt skills (due to training) could be inherited! Stalin loved and believed him. Ever heard about Stalin? He was in charge of the Socialist/Communist Paradise (sic) in the Soviet Union 1924 - 1953 founded by Lenin 1917. Stalin was a very competent mass murderer - he killed >60 million people to stay in power and transform the world. They included the complete, liberal Russian bourgoisie, 2 million killed, and most free Russian farmers, 6 million killed. The Russian bourgoisie and farmers, a minority, really made Russia a western, Christian country 1914 but Stalin, a master of manipulations, transformed Russia into a retarded, underdeveloped country/paradise - that together with Hitler, another political gangster, started WW2 by attacking east Poland and Finland 1939 and the Baltic states 1940 and who US president Roosevelt liked a lot. Imagine that! Roosevelt admired a smart mass murderer. Stalin could 1945 keep east Poland, parts of Finland and Roumania and the Baltic states after WW2 to remain a threat to western civilisation. Ever heard about US president Roosevelt, FDR? He was an American politician but puppet for the money men elite and old US secret societies running America since end 1800. He was quite competent and created the fake Atomic Bomb and the military industrial complex under great, military secrecy 1942/5 to keep wars eternal! With a plenty help from friends and media of course. War is the business that keeps an economy going. FDR's ancestors had arrived in America <300 years earlier in the 17th century and found that it was full of natives since 1000's of years. Most of these natives were soon killed or murdered to get the biz going. You don't read about it in any history books! Roosevelt also loved pseudoscience. The fake history of nuclear weapons is full of secrets. One version is: FDR had June 1942 - out of the blue - asked his old friend and secretary of war and destruction, Henry Lewis Stimson, to secretly develop and build fake nuclear weapons to be ready 1945. Stimson was magically assisted by a young, absolutely crazy American nuclear scientist - Arthur Holly Compton (September 10, 1892 - March 15, 1962) and others. Compton was an American nuclear physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1927 for his 1923 discovery of the Compton effect, which demonstrated the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation or sun light! It was a sensational discovery at the time: the wave nature of sun light had been well-demonstrated, but the idea that sun light had both wave and particle properties was not easily accepted. Compton is also known for his leadership of the Manhattan Project's Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago, and served as Chancellor of Washington University in St. Louis from 1945 to 1953. Listen - it is so funny! In April 1941, Vannevar Bush, head of the wartime National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), created a special committee headed by Compton to secretly report on the NDRC uranium program. Compton's report, which was submitted in May 1941, foresaw the prospects of developing radiological weapons, nuclear propulsion for ships, and nuclear weapons using uranium-235 or the recently discovered metal plutonium to simply kill people. In October 1941 Compton wrote another report on the practicality of an atomic bomb. For this report, he worked with Enrico Fermi on calculations of the critical mass of uranium-235, conservatively estimating it to be between 20 kilograms (44 lb) and 2 tonnes (2.0 long tons; 2.2 short tons). He also discussed the prospects for uranium enrichment with Harold Urey, spoke with Eugene Wigner about how plutonium might be produced in a nuclear reactor, and with Robert Serber about how the plutonium produced in a reactor might be separated from uranium. His report, submitted in November 1941, stated that an atomic bomb was feasible, although he was more conservative about its destructive power than Mark Oliphant and his British colleagues. The final draft of Compton's November 1941 report made no mention of using plutonium, but after discussing the latest research with Ernest Lawrence, Compton became convinced that a plutonium bomb was also feasible. In December 1941, Compton was placed in charge of the plutonium project. He hoped to achieve a controlled chain reaction by January 1943, and to have a bomb by January 1945. All was of course secret so you could invent anything. It is called pseudo science. To tackle the secret problems he had the different research groups working on plutonium and nuclear reactor design at Columbia University, Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley, concentrated together as the Metallurgical Laboratory in Chicago. Its military, secret objectives were to produce reactors to convert uranium to plutonium, to find ways to chemically separate the plutonium from the uranium, and to design and build an atomic bomb to kill innocent civilians! Nuclear physics was around 1940 still in its infancy. Only few physicists were involved since the beginning 40 years earlier and they all knew each other. The greatest star was Einstein with his theory of relativity that nobody understood. Another star was Heisenberg that invented quantum mechanics, another strange theory. Not to forget Bohr and his contributions to understanding atomic structure. Bohr could never explain later in the 1950s how fission (see below) splits an atom explosively as it was and is 2022 a military secret!! Relativity and quantum mechanics are together the two pillars of modern nuclear physics today, i.e. fantasies! The atomic structure was a mystery 1940. It was thought that an atom consisted of proton, p, and neutron, n, particles in the core surrounded by orbiting electron particles, e, and that there were 92 different atoms starting with #1 hydrogen consisting of one proton and one electron and ending with #92 uranium with 92 protons, various numbers of neutrons in the core surrounded by 92 orbiting electrons. The atoms were held together by four forces - gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces - but nobody really knew how. Reason was that the atoms were very small and the protons and neutrons in the core a million times smaller and the electrons were even smaller and could neither be seen or studied. Thus nuclear physics 1940 were and still is 2022 not real science but what a few physicists agreed on without any evidence. In June 1942, the United States Army Corps of Engineers assumed control of the nuclear weapons program and Compton's Metallurgical Laboratory became part of the Manhattan Project. That month, Compton gave Robert Oppenheimer, another crazy physicist, responsibility for bomb design. It fell to Compton to decide which of the different types of reactor designs that the Metallurgical Laboratory scientists had devised should be pursued, even though a successful reactor had not yet been built. Bohr joined the team at Los Alamos, NM, from Denmark via Sweden. Heisenberg could not join as he belonged to the Hitler team. Throughout the war, Compton would remain a prominent scientific adviser and administrator, we are told. In 1945, he served, along with Lawrence, Oppenheimer, and Fermi, on the Scientific Panel that recommended military use of the atomic bomb against Japan. He was awarded the Medal for Merit for his services to the Manhattan Project. In May 1945 Compton however informed Stimson & Co that it would still take years (sic) to build an atomic bomb, if at all. It was then probably decided by Truman to fake it to quickly end the war with Japan. In August 1943 Churchill/UK became full partner of the US explosive nuclear weapons project. It was agreed that both parties should together decide how to use it. FDR suddenly died April 1945 and was replaced by Harry Truman. And in July 1945 Stimson could inform Truman - they were at Potsdam, Germany - that a first (fake) A-bomb had exploded at the Trinity test site outside Albuquerque, NM. It had made a 130 feet deep and a quarter mile wide crater! Two fake A-bombs were also ready to be dropped on Japan August 1945, where the war was still on. Churchill/UK was not informed. He had lost an election in June and was out of power. Stalin, the dictator of USSR, was in the a-bomb picture from the beginning via his agents/spies at Washington DC and London. Stalin knew that Truman & Co bluffed 1945 and to play the game, the new borders created 1941 by Hitler and Stalin were to remain 1945. The fake a-bomb show could start! At Potsdam July 1945 the Japanese were brought into the bluff. It was agreed to fake it in order to end worldwar 2 without a bloody invasion of Japan. Here it is! Hiroshima: Dropping The Bomb - Hiroshima - BBC USA had just - 1944/5 - lost plenty soldiers - >100 000 killed and injured - invading small, far away Japanese islands like Saipan 1944, Iwo Jima February 1945 and Okinawa little later. Nobody really bothered about killing civilians and soldiers 1945. The war was already won in Europe by USA and USSR. It was however thought that some more millions were going to die by invading Japan. So two fake A-bombs solved the problem. Japan surrendered at once, but as a result of secret negotiations during the spring. A-bombs were and are just propaganda lies and bad pseudo science. There is no evidence of any kind that they worked in hot war 1945 or in cold peace later except fake photos and paid, false witnesses having survived the nanoseconds FLASHes. The US A-bombs were invented by an American Robert O Lyssenko - a cousin of Trofim - but assisted by A. Einstein, Compton, Bohr and encouraged by Roosevelt, Stimson and Douglas MacArthur (see below)! But it was just propaganda! No photos of the130 feet deep and a quarter mile wide crater at the test site therefore exists. No atomic bombs ever exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki August 1945. News about 100.000's of Japanese being vaporized in nanoseconds FLASHes and disappearing in thin air or slowly being killed by nuclear radiation during several months afterwards autumn 1945 at various Japanese hospitals were just Fake News and propaganda! It was eaasy. No journalists were on the spot! Fake witnesses like observers on the ground and pilots in bomb planes were easily arranged. No scientific reports and evidence until July 1945 exist that A-bombs were ever developed anywhere. No legal and medical records in Japan can confirm that 100 000's of Japanese either disappeared 6-9 August 1945 due to A-bomb explosions or the following months due to radioactive radiation. Only stupid A-bomb museums at Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Albuquerque, NM full of lies suggest it. And of course annual memorial ceremonies in Japan. Remember, the bigger the LIE, the least evidence is required for it. And all Japanese will just smile and agree. To avoid social trouble, of course. President Kennedy also loved pseudo science 1961 in the shape of fake Americans on the Moon 1969. Like President G.W. Bush and fake Arabs attacking USA 2001. President Biden's USA is 2022 the greatest military force on Earth with shiny uniforms, medals, graveyards, salutes, 100.000's KIAs, MIAs, etc. And it has lost most wars since 1945 because it doesn't use A-bombs in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. Do you know why? No A-bombs have ever exploded on planet Earth! Nuclear weapons are just manipulations to keep the world afraid! And big, military industrial business rich. And bad science going. Plenty NGOs work to keep us scared that A-bombs can explode. CIA pays them. NSA listens in to ensure that the bullshit works. I have followed the developements since 1956. I am therefore all for a 2022 (!) US nuclear scientific test to prove that A and H-Bombs work! It is thought that "A nuclear test have to be carried out at the US nuclear test site in Nevada". Much better is to do it in a laboratory with media and public present and proper peer review. But do it! Then it will be clear that A-bombs cannot explode. Roosevelt died young 1945 with the secret. He was only 63. Fourteen years younger than me 2023, who is still young and beautiful (see photo top right) to tell you the Truth many years on. It upsets plenty bad, corrupt scientists. It is the whole idea! I know that we all are told from young ages that A-bombs work, but I cannot understand that all of you believe it today 2023. Air power is enormously expensive. Air power often lengthens wars rather than shortening them. Pounding peasants from two miles up is not exactly an ideal way to occupy the moral high ground in war. So I am/was Navy. We kill the enemy from below. Take your time to read about it! You will not find it in the Mainichi, Asahi, Yomiuri and Chubu Nippon, etc, Japanese newspapers or Japanese history books. Reason is the Japan State Secrecy Law, officially the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets (SDS) (Tokutei Himitsu no Hogo ni Kansuru Hiritsu), Act No. 108 of 2013, which is a law allowing the government to designate sensitive information as "special secrets" that are protected from public disclosure. The Japanese SDS law covers history, defense, diplomacy, public safety and counter-terrorism, etc. In addition, it allows the government to lock away documents for 60 years. Civil servants leaking secret information can expect ten years incarceration, while media journalists and other civilians, like me, helping them would get five years. A similar law is in force in the USA since 1945 but the penalty there is death! Another reason why people believe in atomic bombs today is Vladimir Putin, the present president of Russia. He worked for USSR security agency KGB at Dresden, Sachsen, East-Germany, in the 1980's looking after Wismut AG producing fake uranium for the USSR A-bomb industry since 1945. If you wonder what KGB was, it was the Russian secret police supervising the Russian public to ensure that nobody questioned official policy and myths, incl. nuclear weapons. It was similar to US Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, to keep the US public in place today. KGB was the creator of the Ministry for State Security (Statssicherheitsdienst), Stasi, in East Germany 1948/90. Its main task was spying on the population, primarily through a vast network of citizens turned informants, and fighting any opposition by overt and covert measures, including hidden psychological destruction of dissidents. Wismut AG had been created by Ivan Serov in the 1940's at the request of Laurentij Beria, the Soviet minister of security 1939/53. Stalin had 1945 asked Beria to make a fake, Soviet atomic bomb (a copy of the US one) and Serov did most of the work until he died 1990. Stalin and Beria were 1948/53 occupied murdering communists in East Europe to consolidate their power, so Serov did the A-Bomb bullshit. Wismut AG produced 1945/91 the uranium to make the Soviet bomb. I describe it below. Actually Wismut AG produced no uranium ever. It was all communist propaganda. Stalin/Beria exploded their fake atomic bomb 1949. Of course no A-bomb exploded anywhere. It was Serov telling USSR (and US) media to publish the fake news. Great propaganda! Serov later became head of KGB. Wikipedia has no info about Serov inventing the fake USSR A-bomb. Somebody should update the Wikipedia page! Serov later, 1980's, told Putin to maintain the A-bomb bullshit and it works well today. Most Russian superweapons are just propaganda thanks to Serov. KGB later became FSB whose boss became Putin. I hope you learn something from an iconoclast like me. Listen! Nuclear fission was discovered 1938 in Germany. Germany was then controlled by Hitler (see below about his virus). Fission occurs, when the core of an atom A (e.g. Uranium 235) absorbs a free neutron n under controlled conditions, so A splits into two smaller atoms B and C that fly apart and releases two free neutrons n, energy/heat E and radiation R (light at different wave lengthes/frequencies) per formula: The strong forces keeping the protons and neutrons of atom A together disappear producing heat E and radiation R, while the two new, free neutrons n have problems finding other atoms A to continue fission. If a free neutron n is not absorbed by another atom A, it dies after ten minutes or becomes a proton and an electron and a meson. The free neutrons n may produce more fission, but only due to moderation (slowing down!) inside a peaceful nuclear power plant/reactor (or a laboratory). The heat E warms the water and the radiation R is damped by the water and the enclosure of the power plant. Easy to show at any nuclear power plant. This fission has since been studied in laboratories for years and is described in peer reviewed papers. It takes place in nano-scale - the atoms A cores are very, very small and the neutrons n are even smaller and are very very fast - fission takes a nano-second - and can be done by moderation in nuclear power plants and laboratories. It should be noted that the mass of atom A equals the masses of atoms B and C after fission, i.e. no mass m (kg) is lost or transformed into energy E (J) in the process as suggested by e.g. Einstein and his E=mc² (c = speed of light (m/s)). Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object/atom. Mass is usually measured in kilograms (kg) and an object's mass is constant in all circumstances. The heat E and radiation R produced at fission is only due to the strong forces disappearing. Einstein and other clowns quickly, already 1939, suggested that fission could also be used for military purposes as a bomb! It was wrong. You find full details below. A fission bomb, otherwise known as a nuclear bomb or A-Bomb, is a fission reactor designed to liberate as much energy E and radiation R as rapidly as possible to kill civilian people (!) in a nano-second, before the released energy causes the reactor and content to melt and the chain reaction to stop, we are told. This explosive, military fission bomb was secretly invented 1942/5 by criminal pseudo-scientists/terrorists in the USA, evidently without any peer review or similar. Many of the US scientists were of course German trained. The fission bomb kills innocent civilians, we are told, because the two (or three), free neutrons n immediately, in no time, are absorbed by two or three other atoms A as per (1) producing four or six more atom splits, + more free neutrons n, etc, etc, producing billions of atom splits and new atoms B and C flying around during a nano-second releasing plenty energy/heat E and radiation R = an atomic bomb explosion, FLASH, radiation, shock, heat wave, mushroom cloud killing civilians. Luckily Hitler never developed a fission bomb 1939/41. If he had done so, he would have won WW2 by wiping out London, Moscow, Leningrad, Minsk and Kiev already 1941 with them. This - killing people - military, nuclear physics is however total bullshit, which I explain further down. I assume Hitler realized this already 1940. There is no evidence that it works and exists. It cannot be and has never been tested in a laboratory of course. A mass of atoms that fissions melts at once - no explosion. There are no peer reviewed scientific papers about it anywhere. But to become a nuclear expert PhD today 2022, you must agree that explosive, military fission is a fact and that resulting energy/heat E and radiation R immediately kill all observers ... except witnesses, of course, that survive. It is simple! Nuclear weapons cannot explode and Japan and USA keep it secret by law since 1945! No military commander or political dictator can push a button, drop a nuclear bomb or launch a nuclear missile to wipe out an enemy. It started differently. Back in the late 1920's and early 1930's Henry Lewis Stimson and general Douglas MacArthur (see below more about these war criminals) tried to convince president Hoover to impose economic sanctions on Japan ... to trigger military war. Hoover didn't agree. But Hoover was replaced by Franklin D. Roosevelt, FDR, and Henry Lewis Stimson and general Douglas MacArthur had better luck with FDR. Economic sanctions against Japan were decided and Japan started going bankrupt. Japan could not import oil or steel, and sell its textile products, etc. In the end Japan stupidly attacked (?) Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, USA December 1941 ... to start serious negotations. But no - FDR didn't want to talk. He wanted to destroy Japan! His first decision was to arrest all, >100 000's +, innocent American-Japaneses on the US West Coast and put them in concentration camps! They were enemies! So back in early 1942 then some other idiots - better forgotten but led by now US Secretary of War Henry Lewis Stimson & Co. - invented the atomic bomb! It was a fantastic, fantasy weapon to kill civilians. It would stop all future wars in a FLASH! It was so fantastic that it must remain a 100% military secret for ever, even after it was (not) used! Twice! Listen! Every nuclear engineer and scientist of any nationality must today agree that explosive, military FLASH nano-second fission is real to get a job, e.g. at the International Atomic Energy Agency or at a university, i.e. they start their careers by a lie so they can get a Nobel prize! But real, nuclear fission is not explosive! Fission can only be used in nuclear power plants/reactors and similar under controlled conditions, e.g. by cooling it down using water. Let's repeat: Nuclear fission thus occurs, when an atom A (e.g. Uranium 235) absorbs a free neutron n, so it splits into two smaller atoms B and C that releases two free neutrons n, energy/heat E and radiation R as per formula: It takes less than a nano-second. The strong forces keeping the protons and neutrons of A together disappear in no time producing E and R, while the two new, free neutrons n have problems finding other atoms A to continue fission. If a free neutron n is not absorbed by another atom A, it becomes a proton, an electron and a meson of no danger. Explosive, military FLASH fission on the other hand is just propaganda since August 1945. Nobody had heard about it before then except some Nobel prize winners. 1945 ignorant people anywhere, of course, believed in explosive FLASH fission, because they didn't think and had no idea about nuclear physics. Today the situation is the same! In order to avoid a costly, military invasion of Japan 1945, USA and Japan simply announced that two atomic bombs exploded August 1945 in nuclear FLASHES and told their media to report it. It was an elegant bluff/deception! Japan surrendered at once! The bombs had, it was told, secretly been developed by US and other scientists since 1942 or so and were, by chance, just ready July 1945 to save the world ... but the A-bombs didn't explode! Fission was then and is today not explosive! So US (Truman, Stimson, MacArthur & Co.) and Japan (Hirohito & Co) decided to fake it! USSR/Stalin knew it too - communist spies in USA kept them informed - and Stalin agreed to play along with USA and Japan - for a while. Stalin could do what he wanted in eastern Europe and USA/Truman would not object as long as Stalin kept the A-bomb lies and manipulations alive. The idea might have been already September or October 1945 to announce that the US atomic bomb was a clever war propaganda but Truman (actually the real bosses ) decided otherwise. Henry Lewis Stimson was quickly retired and new, corrupt people brought in at Pentagon and CIA to handle the bullshit and already 1947 (!) the US "Broiler plan" was ready! A fleet of new B-29B bomb planes were lined up to wipe out 24 Soviet cities with 34 (!) fake atomic bombs! Stalin didn't like it and soon had his own fake A-bombs using fake German uranium from Wismut AG. Ever heard of Wismut AG? A really fake German (actually Stalin KGB) company (described below). End 1949 Truman had >200 (fake) A-bombs and plenty B-29B planes and more plans to destroy USSR. It was the reason for a cold war started by Truman that lasted until 1991. Eisenhower made things worse in the 1950's by building another 1.000's of B-52 bomb jet planes to drop >30.000 A-bombs on the USSR (and napalm bombs on Korea 1950/3). There were suddenly two (fake) nuclear super powers - capitalist and communist - that could divide, e.g. Europe and Korea and keep the world population worried. Churchill was back in power in the early 1950's and decided that UK should also become a third nuclear super power. The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan , LDP is a conservative political party in Japan. The LDP has almost continuously been in power since its foundation after the war. 2022 it supports the US atomic bomb bullshit + US military presence in Japan. The Japan Communist Party (LOL) evidently also supports the bullshit! The military industrial complex west and east took over and made it a fake historical fact ... and money maker. USA (and Sweden and Switzerland) were the real winners of WW2. Their economies and profits doubled during the war. The rest of the world became bankrupt and followed orders not to upset the nuclear super powers! The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, CDP is centre-left. In August 2020 the party entered an agreement to merge with the Democratic Party for the People of Japan, DPP, which is centre to centre-right. Some independent lawmakers may join them to form a new party during September 2020. Elections in Japan are due this or next year. It would be nice if the new party would adopt my findings that the nuclear bombings of Japan 1945 were bullshit and stop the annual memorial ceremonies. And also ask USA to close their military bases in Japan. As USA has no nuclear arms, Japan does not need them for defense. One problem is of course France! It also wanted to be a fake nuclear super power, which it became starting 1960. USA/CIA/UK/MI6/USSR/KGB were not happy. Four (!) fake nuclear powers! USA and USSR years later copied the concept with a fake space race with intercontinental, ballistic nuclear missiles. And the fraud goes on and on! China and some other, ridiculous countries like North Korea also joined the bullshit! The Japan/South Korea General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) about sharing key military intelligence - considered crucial to reducing the threat (sic) posed by (fake) North Korean nuclear weapons - expired 23 November, 2019. Who cares? North Korea has no nuclear weapons. North Korea Kim III baby dictator's father Kim II faked them! The fake treaty was thus prolonged after plenty new Fake News! North Korea's nuclear program is one of the major security problems in East Asia. The incessant development of nuclear capacity of Pyongyang leads to increased tension in the region. China and the U.S., as well as Russia and Japan (states which participated in the Six-PartyTalks) represent different views as to the preferred ways to solve this problem. Different, of-ten incompatible approaches in the policies of these countries are related to their dissimilar interests. Hence, it is impossible to work out a coherent position that will be respected by all four powers. Actually neither US, China, Russia or Japan are interested to solve the problem or whatever they call it!! They are all part of the hoax started around 1945! Sunday 2 November 2019 His Holiness Pope Francis (!) of the Vatican joined the fake nuclear arms bullshit show at Hiroshima Peace park (see below) warning about future, fake nuclear devastations ... in latin. HHP recommended nuclear disarmament without simply saying that nuclear arms are fake and bullshit since 1945. What a holy clown! Plenty, new (!) Japanese atomic bomb survivors from 1945 were also at the show - they looked to be in their fifties. Japan is producing new, fake nuke actors! Some old ones - Yoshiko Kajimoto (88) and Koji Hosokawa (92) - having seen the FLASH 1945 were also there. The nuke bullshit biz must go on. Then HHP Francis went to a Nagasaki baseball stadium to meet kakure kirishitan and kiss babies, bla, bla. Why couldn't HHP Francis just say it was a show 1945? Easy, HHP Francis finally had tea with another fake Holiness - the emperor of Japan - whose ancestor dropped down from the Sun 666 years before Jesus Christ was even born! In Japan, the social phenomenon known as hikikomori - the psychological condition where people shut themselves off, often staying in their bedrooms for >10 years on end - is gearing towards crisis point. The Japanese government defines hikikomori as people who haven't left their rooms or interacted with others (?) for only six months. It's now a big problem. The number of hikikomori between the ages of 15 to 30 in 2015 were around 540.000 people, according to a report published in 2016. 2019, the government estimated that 1.55 million Japanese are on the verge of becoming hikikomori. That is 1.22% of the total population, 30.0 % of which lives in the Greater Tokyo area! I have a feeling that the main cause of being hikikomori is being fed fake information since birth about life and history including the atomic bombings 1945 and Fukushima incident 2011 (described below), Japan in space (described elsewhere) and that you have to accept the nonsense. I suffered something similar 1953/65 and left home to cure myself. The hikikomori alone in their rooms are only supported by their parents and Internet friends! The parents feed them and pay their Internet fees, the friends keep in contact via Internet. The show goes on! If you are in charge of running a nuclear power plant in Japan - don't worry, if an earth quake or tsunami hits and destroys it - you are not responsible for anything (19 September 2019!). But the story starts earlier. Listen! Please, read on! If German anti-Hitler resistance fighters had managed to kill German, criminal dictator Hitler July 1944, WW2 had ended then saving millions of Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, Germans, British, American, Japanese, Chinese and others from being killed until May or August 1945 and ... there would have been no grand finale, i.e. the 100% fake, US atomic bombings of Japan August 1945. But UK (Churchill)/USA (Roosevelt) disinformation warriors informed Hitler about the plots of his opponents ... Hitler survived a very strange attack 20 July 1944 and arrested and killed 10.000's of them. The war went on for another 10 months in Europe and a little longer in the Far East! Business as usual? Yes ... and standard disinformation! Like today! For those, who do not know what Hitler was, I suggest it was a virus 1920 - 1945. Everyone in touch with Hitler became infected and believed everything he said. Hitler became dictator of Germany 1933, and started re-arming Germany at once. The Hitler idea or virus was to conquer the world by terrorism and wars of aggression. Hitler was the greatest statesman of all times according to himself, his 100's of millions of supporters ... and media of course. Many Germans followed his orders without thinking. Nuclear fission was detected and explained in Germany already 1938 but Hitler didn't notice it! He never built an atomic bomb. Or he knew that fission wasn't explosive? Anyway, Hitler, assisted by Stalin, another criminal and virus, first attacked and conquered Poland September 1939 and then Denmark, Norway, France, Netherlands and Belgium June 1940, while USA watched on. USA maintained relations with Stalin and France taken over by Hitler 1940. Hitler's attack on Great Britain failed 1941! In the meantime Stalin attacked Finland December 1939 and occupied the Baltic States June 1940. Sweden and Finland were neutral and became surrounded by Hitler and Stalin and allowed Hitler's soldiers without weapons to transit their countries. Then Hitler took control of the Balkan states and occupied Greece May 1941. June 1941 Hitler attacked Stalin, i.e. eastern Poland and western USSR. Hitler thought he would win quickly over Stalin, so Italy, Finland and some Balkan states joined the attack. The attack failed December 1941. Then 1942 Hitler started to murder civilians; Jews, gypsies, Poles, mentally sick people, etc, etc. The Finnish attack was strange. Finland, allied with criminal Hitler, occupied July 1941 territory lost 1940 and much more (East Carelia) ... but then stopped attacking USSR. Italy/dictator Mussolini was on the side of Hitler ... but didn't contribute much ... and was kicked out 1943. In the Asia Far East real war had already broken out summer 1937 between Japan (Hirohito) and China (CKS) outside Beiing followed by fights at Shanghai ending in the occupation and rape of Nanking December 1937 and the flight of CKS to the inner of China. USA was allied with China (CKS) all the time and supplied weapons, airplanes (US pilots bombed Japan forces already 1938!) and money and started an economic war against Japan. December 1941, Japan going bankrupt, after trying to negotiate, attacked USA militarily in self-defence (at Pearl Harbour) and Hitler declared war on USA. Japan thought (!) that the war in the Far East would stop by negotiations. Japan was wrong. In my opinion World War II started already summer 1937 in Asia (between China, Japan and USA) with UK, France and Netherlands looking on. June 1944 USA attacked France (D-day !) in order to destroy Hitler. France had two (!) governments then. One was led by Pétain at Vichy, that supported and worked with Hitler and was supported by USA since 1940! Imagine that! The other, de Gaulle, at London, UK, and Alger/France, was supported by UK and Stalin ... but not USA! Complicated times! Pétain fled to Germany 1945 and USA/Roosevelt suddenly told de Gaulle that USA supported him too. But only until the war was over! It is the reason France do not rely on USA! The war 1944 is not really over 2022! The French people had of course supported Pétain until summer 1944, when they all said they had supported de Gaulle since summer 1940 or whenever. The winners always write the official history. It is the only reason to check the old 1930/40's facts today 2022! Hitler committed suicide April 1945, we are told. Only his virus survived in people trying to conquer the world by terrorism and wars of aggression today. It is sad that civilized people didn't stop criminal madmen like Hitler and Stalin in the 1920/30's. You are probably terrified just thinking of nuclear wars and nuclear weapons of mass destruction, atomic bombs or nuclear power plants exploding in FLASHES or mushroom clouds spreading death and radiation killing children and women. You should be. It is a #1 priority of ridiculous US Presidents and Japanese prime ministers since 1945 to scare the shit out of you. All Fake News since August 1945, though! The secret is that nuclear weapons cannot explode! It is the greatest scientific bullshit in History! Tuesday 6 August 2019 at least 50.000 Shinto believers attended a real (fake) atomic bomb memorial ceremony at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park led by Japan Prime minister Abe and Hiroshima mayor Katsumi Matsui. A bronze bell was struck, a 'peace' song was sung, etc. You could also take a ride on two 75+ years old electric trams/street cars that survived the nuclear (sic) blast 1945. Some actors (!)
on those trams, now obaasans
ladies) in
their 80's, survived (!) that day 74 years ago too,
and now told small children aboard what happened to
them 1945. Children travelled free! What a
show! You could also
visit the Hiroshima
Peace Memorial
full of drawings (!) by survivors made years ago
and blood stained clothes (!) of victims donated by
surviving relatives ... 70+ years later. The photos
of Hiroshima before/after the 1945 bombings showing
intact concrete buildings had been
removed. Black rain 6 August 1945 (1) More propaganda is according Kiyoshi Shizuma, Satoru Endo, and Yoko Fujikawa of Hiroshima university in a paper of Health Physics magazine, February 2012, Volume 102, Number 2! Immediately after detonation and FLASH of the atomic bomb 1945, a shock wave struck the ground, houses, and other structures in Hiroshima City. The updraft caused by the fireball formed a mushroom cloud, and when it cooled, rainfall began 20 - 30 minutes after the explosion and continued for 1 - 4 hours. Heavy rainfall, which was black and muddy, occurred in the Koi-Takasu district about 30 minutes after the explosion. Many people who drank well water contaminated with black rain had diarrhea, and many fish died in contaminated ponds and rivers (Uda et al. 1973). An initial survey of the fallout was started already on 9 August 1945 by Nishina and co-workers, who sought to characterize the effects of the atomic bomb (reported by Kimura 1973). They collected soil and other samples from 28 locations within 5 km of the hypocenter. The samples were transported to Tokyo, and the radioactivity produced in a copper wire (?) was detected on 10 August 1945. On 11 August 1945, Yamaoka et al. of Osaka University collected sand samples at 10 locations in the city and detected high radioactivity in samples collected near the hypocenter and also near Koi station. They surmised that fission products were included in the black rain that fell around Koi station. On 13 and 14 August 1945, Arakatsu et al. of Kyoto University collected soil samples from 100 locations in Hiroshima City. They detected radioactivity from a sample collected near Asahi-bashi, located about 500 m south of Koi station, which is located about 3.000 m west of the hypocenter. On 3 and 4 September, 1945, Yamasaki carried out car-borne measurements using a Lauritsen electroscope. Similar results were also obtained in later measurements by Pace and Smith (1959) and Miyazaki and Masuda (1953). ... Black rain 1967 (2) Black rain samples were also collected ... 1967! The roof of the Yashima family's house, located 3.700 m west of the hypocenter of the Hiroshima atomic bomb in the Takasu district, was dislocated by the shock wave produced by the explosion 1945. According to Akijiro Yashima, black rain fell through the opening onto the interior plaster wall inside the house, forming streaks of black rain. Imagine that!!! When the house was repaired in 1967, an 80 x 97 cm section of the wall (Wall 1) was excised and donated to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. In 1985, a 41 x 53 cm section of the same wall (Wall 2) was excised to use for autoradiography using an imaging plate. The autoradiography results revealed the pattern along the black streaks, indicating that excess radioactivity is contained in the streaks (Miyahara 1998). Etc, etc. You should wonder what kind of people invents this propaganda! Friday 9 August 2019 the papal show continued after morning mass at the Urakami catholic church at west Nagasaki. No more Shinto. The church had been fire damaged 1945, but another obaasan/actor outside recalled that she had seen atomic bomb FLASH and radiation and a mushroom cloud 500 meters above the church, bla, bla, bla. The church was quickly rebuilt and became a ... cathedral. 100's of girl school children in sailor costumes sang. A wooden cross from the Urakami altar, which a US soldier had taken as a souvenir 1945, was returned! The US soldier's niece informed how US soldiers died (!) of nuclear radiation after occupying Nagasaki 1945. A study has been conducted among several hundred pregnant women who survived Hiroshima or Nagasaki atomic explosions, we were told. Their children have been medically observed for >70 years. Many of the children developed smaller than normal head size and among them is a significant increase of mental retardation! Etc, etc. It was very easy to fool the world 1945 that two fake atomic bombs exploded 1945 using propaganda. It is quite easy to continue and reinforce the manipulations today with fake medical reports, donating clothes to peace museums, arranging ceremonies and spreading new lies of all kind. But how much longer? Black rain victims 2020 (3) A Hiroshima District Court ruled Wednesday 25 July 2020 that Japanese state health care benefits should be extended to people who were exposed to radioactive 'black rain' after the 1945 U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima outside a zone currently recognized by the government. The court ruled in favor of a suit filed by 84 plaintiffs in their 70s to 90s. It said they should receive the same health care benefits as provided for other atomic bomb survivors who were in the zone where the state has recognized 'black rain' fell. Why not? No atomic bomb exploded anywhere but 'black rain' dropped August 1945 here and there around Hiroshima and 75 years later some Japanese get free health care. What kind of sick people creates this nonsense 75 years later?
Listen to me! Nuclear weapons are 100% US/UK/USSR (Russia)/Japanese collusion, infringements, infractions, disinformation, stupid propaganda, lies, pseudoscience or bad science and fake history fiction. It upsets many American, British and Japan State Boards of Education (or Indoctrination), SBoEs, that force teachers to tell pupils that US scientists and engineers top secretly (hm!) developed atomic bombs 1942/5 at enormous costs using the best brains in the world. It is a scandal that nobody really wants to talk about today. Many countries, France, China, Pakistan, India, North Korea, etc., have later joined the bullshit. It is quite easy to fake nuclear weapons of all sorts! Just keep all military secret and spread Fake News! The public had no idea except that communist spies of USSR in UK and USA were fully informed since 1942 or earlier and stole all the secrets. They were allies against Hitler Nazi Germany then. At the same time USA built >3.000's of big, four engines, long range B-29 bomb planes and trained >30.000's of stupid pilots/heroes to bomb German, Italian and Japanese towns of no military values. After USA had occupied Japanese islands in the Pacific early 1945 and built air bases there, it was possible to bomb towns in the Japan main islands too. It started at Dresden, Germany, 13-15 February 1945, which was wiped out by American/British napalm bombings killing about 30.000 persons, mostly civilians. In the early hours of March 10, 1945, 279 US B-29s then dropped 1.665 tons of napalm bombs on Tokyo, killing approximately 100,000 civilians in a single night. Almost 270,000 buildings were destroyed, and more than 1 million residents were rendered homeless, authorities have established. It was worse than any atomic bomb explosions 6 months later. But on March 10, 2020, 75 years later, no memorial ceremony was held at Tokyo! I find it sad. A week later on March 16, 1945, about 90% of the city of Würzburg, Germany, was destroyed by 226 British Lancaster bombers dropping >1.000 tons napalm fire bombs. Würzburg became a target for its role as a traffic hub and to break the spirit of the population. It, like Dresden, had no military value. These were not the only air attacks during the war. In total, Tokyo would be struck 106 times, and more than 60 other cities all around Japan were attacked repeatedly, basically indiscriminately, as well by US air forces. These attacks beg the question as to their legality, and many on both sides of the Pacific believe that the attacks went against international law. They certainly were immoral, which many acts during war are. And the bombings didn't really work. Japan didn't budge! The war had to be won on the ground. But how? End March 1945 US and allies attacked Okinawa, Japan, with >1 200 ships and >500 000 seamen/soldiers/marines. Okinawa was a small island of little military value and full of civilians. June 22, 1945 US & Co had lost 13 000 men and >36 000 men were injured at Okinawa. It was a bloody fiasco. 150 000 civilians on Okinawa were killed! After defeating Nazi Germany (Hitler) May 1945 UK, USA (new POTUS Truman) and USSR (criminal dictator Stalin) met in July at Potsdam, Germany, to decide what to do next, apart from looking after >11 million German PoWs of which >1 million soon died of starvation! Allied soldiers had, to liberate Germany, spring/summer 1945 raped and killed 10 times more women than Japan did at Nanking December 1937, but media failed to notice it! Stalin had exactly six years earlier - 1939 - negotiated a secret pact with Hitler, so Nazi Germany (together with Stalin) could attack, Poland, then Norway, France and England, start WW2 (?) and ruin France 1940/5. Hitler had for years regarded the Russians as sub humans and the Russians hated the Germans, we are told. 1945 a new US/UK/USSR secret pact would be agreed, so that USSR could attack Japan in August. France was not invited. History is always written by the winners. Stalin was at first hesitant. He had >3 million German PoWs to look after and kill. At previous US/UK/USSR summits at Cairo, Teheran and Yalta it had been agreed that it would take 18 (!) months to transfer all the troops, arms, planes and ships in Europe to the Far East to invade Japan. In addition USSR already had a peace agreement with Japan, but Truman convinced Stalin that Japan would surrender at once! No risk! Japanese diplomats at Moscow, Bern and Stockholm had secretly agreed (!) all details of this with their US counterparts. In Washington DC already 10 August 1945 it was decided to divide Korea in two parts along the 38th latitude - Stalin could occupy the north part and Truman the south. Stalin agreed! Japan just needed
some excuses to surrender, e.g. - US
fake atomic
bombs and a USSR attack! So we were
told by media that USA dropped two,
bombs on Japan 6 and 9 August 1945
killing >200.000
civilians, mostly Japanese, incl. many women and
children to install peace. Only Albert
Camus, French writer, protested. Of course the
bombs attacks never happened. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were simply napalm, carpet fire bombed like 60+ other Japanese towns spring/summer 1945. Hiroshima looked like this after the bombing (photo taken from the roof of an intact building across the street): Only the wooden/paper houses were burnt down. All concrete buildings and bridges, etc remained standing. And on 9
August Stalin attacked Manchuria with 150
(!) divisions, we were told, because NYT said so!
16 August the Japan emperor announced
by radio the unconditional surrendering,
all fighting stopped at once, while some
Japanese flow to Manila (Philippines) to sort out
unconditional (sic) surrender details with
the Americans, we were also told. NYT announced the
news two days earlier (!). A miracle
had happened! At Manila it was
agreed in writing that Japan's future territory
should be limited to its four main islands
as per 1862 maps and that (a) the south part
of the Sakhalin
north of Hokkaido and (b) the Kuril
between Hokkaido and the Kamchatka Peninsula,
lost by Russia 1905, would be returned to
Russia/USSR. It was also
agreed that the Ryukyu
south of Kyushu should become part of USA. USA
returned the Ryukyu
to Japan 1972 but keep military bases there
forever. Okinawa hosts about two-thirds of the
dedicated U.S.-only bases in Japan despite
accounting for less than 1 percent of the country's
land. USA is accused of polluting the drinking
water, etc. Taiwan was returned to
China. The
are still a problem today - Japan
claims that the four southern most Kuril islands -
Etorofu, Kunashiri, Shikotan and Habomai - were
never parts of the Russian Kuril islands and belong
to it. Russia does not
agree 2023. No Japanese, only Ainos, lived on the
islands prior to 1905, and what was agreed in
writing 1945 cannot be changed, etc. The signing of
a document of surrendering took place 2 September
on a battle ship in Tokyo Bay. It was a great show.
500 B-29 bomb planes made a last turn over Tokyo
and flow home. WW2 was over! Freedom of speech and
the press was restored except for strict
censoring any opinion critical of the
occupation and what really happened. Of course many
Germans think that WW2 wasn't over until 9
November 1989, when the Berlin wall and the
inner German border were opened and USSR's military
left, and some Koreans think that WW2 is still
going on as the inner Korean border is
closed. However,
already 29 August 1945 the US'
were clear: So the Japanese
government + emperor could in September 1945 carry
on domestic administration, when they
fulfilled the US objectives announced by US supreme
commander General D MacArthur until 1951!
Magic! MacArthur
had been US military, colonial governor
of the Philippines at Manila before the war. When
Japan attacked December 1941 MacArthur
declared Manila an open city, fled to
Australia January and abandoned his US and
local Philippine troops that capitulated February
1941. Rich, conservative,
authoritarian Japanese families took control of
Japan 1868 and installed a puppet emperor at
Tokyo. These oligarques and plutocrats are still in
power 150 years later. They loved America and
Europe, their money and colonies. Japan quickly
acquired their own colonies - the Ryukyu Kingdom
1879, Taiwan 1895, the Kwantung
peninsula, Sakhalin and the 56 Kuril islands
1905 (after attacking Russia), Korea
1910, the German Far East colonies
1919, Manchuria 1932 and French
Indochina 1940. Japan was then a solid ally
of USA/Europe (but not Russia) from 1868
until 1924, when America adopted the
Immigration Act of 1924. Things got worse in
the 1930's, when USA/FDR adopted economic
sanctions of all sorts against Japan and refused
friendly talks to solve the problems. Reason was
that USA was protecting its puppets in China and
the opium trade there, which Japan planned to
eliminate. So poor Japan was driven by FDR into the
hands of Nazi Germany/Hitler and Fascist
Italy/Mussolini and provoked to more violence. In
the end war with USA broke out December
1941. Japan thought USA would negotiate but
no way. FDR had other plans. The result is known.
Japan was supposed to be totally destroyed forever
by US atomic bombs. Japan gave up and agreed to
return to its pre-1868 borders. Early
1950's Japan was back on its feet and best
friend of USA and Europe again and in the
1970's, when I worked in Japan, it had
become the second biggest economic power in the
world … with the same families
in control since 1868! And today. It was
and is very easy to manipulate the Japan
population. The Japanese are born into a hierarchy
where everyone plays his/her role and everyone is
happy ... as long as you don't inquiry too much
about the mysterious, rich, conservative,
authoritarian Japanese families and their
corporations running the show assisted by USA and
Europe. They live in their luxury flats in the
skyscraper cities of Tokyo with a view of Mount
Fuji and Tokyo Bay and are quite harmless. But you
cannot inquire too much about the fake atomic bombs
1945 and the Fukushima nuclear incident
2011. Then you are in trouble. State
secrets! So you have to read about it
here. The US (and allied powers) objectives were apparently decided by the White House, the State Department and the War Department - forget the US Congress and people - i.e. easily modified, and there we are 74+ years later, because D MacArthur, a strange fellow, hardly listened to them 1945/51. Listen! Every morning 10.30 am MacArthur was driven from the US embassy to his office Dai Ichi at the Tokyo station. It took a couple of minutes. At Dai Ichi he left the car, walked across the pavement into the building and took the elevator up to the office at the sixth floor. There he checked latest news about everything the Jap was doing, incl. all visitors to Japan, gave orders (!) and made decisions (?) until about 13.00 pm, when he was driven back home for lunch and a nap. Then he returned to Dai Ichi around 16.00 pm for more work or what he was doing. MacArthur did this all virtually alone for six years seven days a week and listened to nobody. No vacations 1945/51! No social life! Only formal, quick one-day visits to Manila and Sëoul (South Korea), when US installed its puppets there after independence. The emperor (Hirohito) visited MacArthur at the embassy twice a year to discuss. Purpose was simply to keep the A-bomb bullshit going and to allow the Jap to start again. MacArthur never visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki or any towns like Kyoto, Nara and Nikko. A new, Japanese 'constitution' was adopted 1946, some war criminals were executed 1948 after a long trial starting 1946, 'free' elections were held 1947, a 'Socialist' party became the winner and formed a coalition government with a 'Democratic' party doing as told by D MacArthur, etc. The secret society controlling Japan today was the winner 1945. The war criminals were just patsies that had passed all exams to become military and civil servants 1928/45. The real criminals never passed any trial, of course. They included Kishi Nobusuke, the 'king' of Manchuria and minister of Commerce during the war, who after the war became both Foreign and Prime minister and negotiated the renewal of the US/Japan Mutual Security Pact 1960. Kishi's grandson is Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan 2020 ! The two atomic explosions in Japan August 1945 were Fake News based on bad science, propaganda of atomic destruction and nuclear radiation. No atomic bombs exploded over Japan or anywhere! But the criminals in charge of Japan at the time immediately agreed with USA/USSR that it happened ... because it suited them ... so Japan could surrender ... and there we are today 75 years later. A few thousand well paid Americans, Soviet/Russians and Japanese propagandists assisting MacArthur falsified history and science and created the A-Bomb bullshit - fake survivors, false films, fake news, false science and reports, paid witnesses, info that more fake A-bombs were secretly built and tested, etc, etc., while brainwashed Japanese passively looked on. 1945 simple people, fed up with war, believed any Fake News trumpeted by authorities. And the Fake News and the bad science became historic truth until today. August 1945 USA didn't have enough ships and manpower to invade the four Japan home islands (and Korea and Manchuria) by military force, so a fake surrendering was easier and the best alternative! Not a shot was thus fired after 2 September 1945. USA immediately scrapped all old plans of military occupation by force, which would have killed millions! Japan was immediately sealed off from the world by a small US military occupation force under general D MacArthur 1945/51; no Japan citizens could travel abroad; no foreigners could visit Japan or Hiroshima and Nagasaki in particular; all journalists visiting Japan were controlled by US military authorities and MacArthur, i.e. strict censorship, Japan companies that started in Manchuria 1933+ could relocate back to Japan and start again, an economic miracle could take place and so on. Perfect ground to falsify and rewrite history and to create this absurd nuclear bullshit. USSR and five (!) divisions could occupy and rape the women (according media reports) in the Japanese colonies Manchuria and Korea after some fake battles, where few got hurt. The Japanese soldiers everywhere fled or dropped their guns at once and handed them over to anyone wanting them! No destruction of Japanese industry or shipyards in Manchuria and Korea took place. Most Japanese just went back to Japan asap. South Sakhalin and the Kuril islands became Soviet/Russian territory again, etc. All American POWs in Japanese custody were sent home and all Japanese soldiers in occupied areas went also home to Japan (except a few Japanese soldiers in Manchuria that became slave labour in Siberia until 1953). There was no need to copy the allied effort in Europe to take and imprison 11 million German soldiers as POWs for a couple of years of which 3 millions died of starvation. Since 1942 USA had trained 1.000's of young, US males to speak, read and write Japanese and these men became the core of the US occupation of Japan - the secret Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) - see 2.6 below. They were present - as spies - at every major towns and villages and checked that instructions from Tokyo were followed, that nobody questioned anything, etc. These Americans thought they would stay for a couple of years until occupation was terminated and peace restored, so they could go home and marry American girls, but many married Japanese women instead, started local businesses, became teachers and journalists, joined the CIA and stayed in Japan until they died 60+ years later. They really assisted MacArthur and ensured that the US atomic bomb bullshit was and is kept alive today. Summer 1949 CKS fled from China (to Taiwan) and the communists took over. June 1950 the Korean war started and MacArthur also became United Nation's military commander in Korea. Truman ordered a counter attack and MacArthur made a mess of it and was fired 1951. The Korean war ended with a cease fire 1953. No atomic bombs were used ... as they didn't work (or existed). But plenty napalm bombs were dropped and all Korean industry and shipyards (built by the Japanese) were destroyed. Korea was bombed back to the stone age by USA! I know you have another idea of the world history 1937 to 1953 than me but it is normal. I use critical thinking, etc. Continue reading here!